The 8 must-see monuments in Madrid
La Puerta de Alcalá (Alcalá Gate)
We shall start our list, of course, with La Puerta de Alcalá. You can find this royal gate, built in 1778, in the heart of the city, just a 20-minute walk from Gran View Apartments. In fact, it is the first European triumphal arch built after the fall of the Roman Empire. Don't miss it!
El Palacio Real (Royal Palace)
Would you like to feel like a member of the Royal Family? Visit The Royal Palace! Located 10 minutes from our apartments, this monument is one of the most popular in Madrid, and for a good reason; for years it was the residence of the royal family. Today, it is one of the largest palaces in the world. It contains genuine treasures: period instruments, works of art, and more than three thousand rooms. You can buy your ticket on their website, where you will also find information on fees and free admission days.
La Catedral de la Almudena (Almudena Cathedral)
Not far from the Royal Palace, you will find the amazing Almudena Cathedral, built on top of an ancient Moorish mosque. A remarkable feature of this cathedral is that it combines various architectural styles: neoclassical, neo-Gothic and neo-Romanesque. Access is free, however, you can make an optional donation of 1 euro. But if you want to visit the cathedral museum, the admission fee is 6 euros.
Palacio de Cibeles (Cibeles Palace)
Another iconic Madrid landmark is the Palacio de Cibeles, about 15 minutes from Gran View Apartments. This monumental building, which you can visit for free, has been the headquarters of the Madrid City Council since 2007. While its style is rather modern, it is also rather striking. It houses the Galería de Cristal (Glazed Gallery), a viewpoint, a restaurant as well as halls and spaces where cultural activities are held. The Cibeles fountain, right opposite, will not fail to impress you.
Templo de Debod (Temple of Debod)
A piece of Egypt in the heart of Madrid? Yes, that’s right! The Temple of Debod was a gift that Egypt gave Madrid in 1968. In addition to being surrounded by beautiful gardens where you can enjoy spectacular sunsets, you will be whisked away to the land of the Pharaohs without leaving the city. You can reach it on foot from our apartments in only 20 minutes, and admission to the temple is free.
El Escorial
Venturing a little further afield, about a 45-minute drive from Gran View Apartments, you can visit the stunning royal monastery of El Escorial. Covering an area of 33,327 square metres, it is situated on a hillside at an altitude of 1028 metres. Consequently, the views are breathtaking. The monastery has been a World Heritage Site since 1984. You can acquire your tickets here.
La Plaza Mayor (Main Square)
One of the most emblematic spots in the city is less than a 10-minute walk from our apartments: The Plaza Mayor, built between 1580 and 1619. A statue of King Philip III stands in the centre, and the square is often the backdrop for cultural events and markets, such as the Christmas market.
La Puerta del Sol
You've probably seen the New Year's Eve chimes broadcast on television from this renowned square in Madrid. La Puerta del Sol is one of the most popular spots for tourists and locals alike. It is here that you will find the statue of the Bear and the Madroño (Strawberry Tree), the symbol of the city, as well as a variety of shops and restaurants. And the best part is that it is only 5 minutes from our apartments.
As always, remember that if you are looking for accommodation in a quiet, comfortable and central spot in Madrid, don't miss out on our fully equipped apartments in Gran Vía. Book yours now and discover the city from within!